Month: November 2014

Joseph Pacelli, “Burglary”, 8 November 1940

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When he was sixteen, Joseph Pacelli and three of his friends from the south side worked for two weeks to construct a diving helmet. They used an old hot water tank for the head piece, to which they attached an inner tube valve and several yards of hose. They made a window in the front of the helmet and attached steel pipes to its base so it would be heavy enough to sink. They installed […]

James Owens, “Bad Checks”, 5 August 1939

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James Owens, from Boston, walked into New Castle police station on a Saturday night to report his girlfriend missing. Her name was Della Nugent. He said they’d gone different ways when they were shopping and she hadn’t shown up where they’d arranged to meet. The police told him she’d been arrested that afternoon for passing bad checks. James, who was found to be carrying fake ID in the name of James O’Conners, was arrested on […]